Pink blankets and salivating doctors: A look at the transgender children phenomenon

Pay attention to stories about children who are transgender. Without fail, they are filled to the brim with gender stereotypes. Kids are being diagnosed for playing with the “wrong” toys and liking the “wrong” things. In many of the stories, it is clear that either the parents, or the community, has put great importance in dividing things and interests into “for boys” and “for girls”. Children have a limited understanding of what it means to be a boy or a girl. For example, it’s not uncommon for children to think that the length of someone’s hair is what makes them a boy or a girl. If a child who likes dolls or long hair is told “those things are for girls”, their response might very well be “okay, then I want to be a girl”.

In this story, the mother of a boy tells us how “Instead of toy soldiers and trains, he asks for princesses and dolls for Christmas and birthdays”.

The mother of the child in this story talks about how her child said “I boy” as a toddler, and “rejected anything frilly or stereotypically girly”. The child themselves says the following:

Evan Singleton has now been living five years as a boy but remembers the pain of pretending.

“All the girls were doing Barbie dolls and nail polish, and I just wasn’t one of them,” he said. “All the boys were doing skateboards and helmets, and I wanted to do that stuff. I never felt right in that body.”

Why this kid thinks that you need a certain type of body to be interested in skateboards is not elaborated on.

The father of this male child who likes to wear dresses, calls the child “gender-fluid”. The father is quoted:

‘In truth, the realization that one of my children identifies with a gender that is opposite the sex she was born with was, and remains, absolutely unremarkable,’

While the father means well, the implications of this statement are not as progressive as it would seem. Liking “sparkly shoes and dresses” like this child did is somehow “opposite” from being a boy?

This male child expressed desire to “marry a prince”, and dressed up “as a girl” at home. The parents told the child  “[y]ou can go home and live as Danielle, or you can go home and live as Daniel”. Going home and living as Daniel AND wearing dresses was apparently not an option.

The parents of this male child tell this story:

At 5 months, she took a pink blanket meant for her sister Lily. Later, she showed little interest in toy cars and boy clothes with pictures of sports, monsters and dinosaurs on them. She refused to leave the house if she had to wear boy clothes. After her parents accepted her identity, they said, Coy come out of her shell.

A five month old baby reaches for a pink blanket. An infant, who does not even grasp that objects exist even when they are out if sight, is capable of understanding that they are the “wrong” sex, capable of understanding that pink is a color more often worn by girls, and reaches for a blanket to somehow communicate all of this. And when the parents lets the child wear the same thing that the other children in the family wear, the child seems happier. Very mysterious.

Another article about the same child tells a story about a boy whose parents had strict rules for clothes and hair styles:

At three and a half, Coy turned sullen. He’d spend days on the couch, wrapped in the fuzzy pink security blanket he’d commandeered from his sister. He didn’t want to play, or talk. He especially didn’t want to go outside; any enthusiasm Coy might show for a trip to the playground would disappear as soon as he’d catch sight of the boys’ clothes he was expected to swap for the dresses he wore at home. The only thing Coy hated more was the prospect of getting a haircut; the last time his parents had suggested it, Coy had taken to his bed for days, listless and tearful.


Little by little, Kathryn began letting Coy leave home dressed in a pink shirt – anything to pry him from the house with minimal fuss – and soon enough, with pink sneakers to match. Jeremy drew the line at letting Coy wear colorful hair clips outdoors. “I was trying to avoid a negative experience,” recalls Jeremy, who is even-tempered and stocky with rimless glasses. “Someone going, ‘Why are you dressing your son up as a girl?'”

“Letting” Coy wear a pink shirt – as if the color of a shirt is so important that you literally have to be a girl to be allowed it. And note the father’s statement. God forbid someone thinking he’s letting his son dress up as a girl! A girl dressing up as a girl however, is much more  acceptable.

This story tells us that “the number of primary school children referred to the NHS with transgender feelings has quadrupled in five years”. What happens to these kids? According to the guidelines of World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), found here, in most children with “gender dysphoria”, the feelings will disappear before they become adults.

Gender dysphoria during childhood does not inevitably continue into adulthood.V Rather, in follow-up studies of prepubertal children (mainly boys) who were referred to clinics for assessment of gender dysphoria, the dysphoria persisted into adulthood for only 6–23% of children (Cohen-Kettenis, 2001; Zucker & Bradley, 1995). Boys in these studies were more likely to identify as gay in adulthood than as transgender (Green, 1987; Money & Russo, 1979; Zucker & Bradley, 1995; Zuger, 1984). Newer studies, also including girls, showed a 12–27% persistence rate of gender dysphoria into adulthood (Drummond, Bradley, Peterson-Badali, & Zucker, 2008; Wallien & Cohen-Kettenis, 2008).

What treatments are these kids typically offered? Many of them are being given “puberty blockers”, drugs that prevent the body from going through puberty, putting maturation on hold. This is supposed to give them time to think, and decide whether they want to live as the sex they were born, or go on to take the hormones of the opposite sex. But how are these kids, many of whom have an extremely simplified and immature understanding of sex and gender, supposed to take this choice when their brains are being prevented from maturing? Lupron, the main drug being used for this purpose, can lead to permanent loss of bone density. It also has depression as a common side effect.

Doctors are now performing sex change operations on minor children:

Dr. Christine McGinn estimated that she had done more than 30 operations on children under 18, about half of them vaginoplasties for biological boys becoming girls, and the other half double mastectomies for girls becoming boys.

In the same article, Dr. Norman Spack of Boston Children’s Hospital, says that he was “salivating” at the prospect of giving puberty suppressing medications to pre-pubescent children:

Dr. Spack recalled being at a meeting in Europe about 15 years ago, when he learned that the Dutch were using puberty blockers in transgender early adolescents.

“I was salivating,” he recalled. “I said we had to do this.”

Children, who cannot legally get tattoos even with parental consent, are being sterilized, for a condition that seems to rely heavily on sexist stereotypes, by doctors who salivate at the thought of giving this treatment.

15 thoughts on “Pink blankets and salivating doctors: A look at the transgender children phenomenon

  1. We all know gender is a social construct and guidelines differ in cultures, eras etc. So the little boy who wanted a pink blanket would be quite rightly gendered male say about 70 years ago, as pink was considered a much stronger color than blue, pink was manly and appropriate for strong male sexed people. Baby boys also wore dresses in frilly lace, didn’t have their hair cut as toddlers and wore mary janes? I have pics of boys wearing mary jane style shoes in the 1950s.

    How intuitive of a 2 year old to instinctively know that pink is now for girls, he must be on a second life with the knowledge that gender rules CHANGE. What a brilliant little boy.

    These parents are whack. if my mother filled me full of male hormones because I favored building go carts and playing with cars I would be most upset.

    The above link is Franklin D Roosevelt as a baby BOY.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This is eugenics and a form of punishing children for not conforming to sex roles. Whatever happened to “free to be you and me”? It was a bit before my time but it’s a reasonable way of looking at things.

    WPATH is sponsored by big pharmaceutical corporations:

    Of course Spack was salivating at the thought of experimenting on children, just like Josef Mengele.

    You can say Goodwin’s law if you want, but really, the only difference is that abusive parents are volunteering their children for this.

    I have a male cousin who used to have long hair when he was younger and people would mistake him for a girl. His parents let him keep his hair like that because he seemed happy with it. Now, he has it cut shorter because he felt like doing that. I guess his parents should have decided girl=long hair and given him puberty blockers (actually chemotherapy drugs).

    Whatever happened to allowing kids to be themselves? There’s a thing called “make-believe” that all children do. You can get child abuse allegations for allowing your kids to walk home from the playground without any adults, but sterilizing your child is considered brave.

    Liked by 1 person

    • KgSch – You are so right. I think kids spend too much time in the virtual world and come across ideas and concepts that are way above their level of deep understanding.

      It is so very easy to find porn of all types on the internet, no age restriction, the pages just open and there are hundreds of pics of ladies with men bits flashing about. ANY child can dial this up.

      Becoming a trans seems to be the latest fad amongst teenagers, the ones who feel alienated and or who are self absorbed. Transition is touted as the cure all, you’ll feel so “you” and “authentic” after drugs and surgery. I’d rather they smoke pot and roll around in the grass in the sunshine or something positive.


      • Yes, pot is way less bad for you than some of the drugs that get pushed on “trans” children. One of my older friends said the way teens rebelled when she was that age was usually bad makeup, hair, and clothing styles, loud music, and sometimes drugs. Drugs can damage you and kill you, but the alcohol and pot seems so much less awful than these “puberty blockers”. At least teens go through the “drugs are bad” class, but there’s nothing for children and teens who end up on HRT and “puberty blockers”/chemotherapy drugs.

        Children are the pawns for adult trans cult members, particularly autogynephiles to justify their behavior. It’s really all a fantasy; you can’t actually change your sex and no one can explain why they are “in the wrong body” without resorting to stereotypes. It is nothing but a Western medicine fad that was initially designed to heterosexualize gays and lesbians, but now a lot of heterosexual male perverts have jumped on the train.

        Too much online time is bad for these kids. I’m childfree but if I was a parent I would think about becoming something of a Luddite. It is super easy to find porn everywhere like you said, and many non-porn websites have porny ads and pop-ups. (Hence why I use ad-blocking software, and no I do not give a flying fuck if I’m making big companies waste their ad money.)


        • Agree KgSch. I grew up in the 1960s, and my generation was warned about too much television. Kids were encouraged to go outside and play instead of watching the tube – TV’s had tubes in those days! I was never exposed to naked adult bodies contorted in sexual positions, I’m glad, we just played doctors and found out that way!

          Children are over sexualized, especially female children. And this trans thing FARK. I was the biggest tommy girl as a kids, cars, hammers, painting the cubby house, building go carts..Today I would have been diagnosed as “trans” – but I am a lesbian and happy about it!

          You must be young (nothing wrong with that) saying “One of my older friends said the way teens rebelled when she was that age was usually bad makeup, hair, and clothing styles, loud music, and sometimes drugs”. HAHA I was a punk rocker, before that a hippy surfer, went through all the phases. I’m still an old punk rocker, it was great girls got to PLAY in bands! I find many teenager today very conservative and lacking imagination, they don’t the opportunity to USE their imaginations, the internet is their imagination and forms their opinions.

          Peace and love.


  3. I can remember wanting to be a boy sooo badly sometimes when I was a kid. I was always inviting boys round to play with my dinosaurs and pirates. I even drew on a moustache and used to pretend to be Captain Hook. I can remember playing with female friends and thinking if I was a boy then we could play with dinosaurs now instead of dolls. That was the depth of it really. I knew everything I was into was different to other girls my age.


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